Registered Member
ok, im fairly new to linux. i had kubuntu 11.10 installed. i downloaded 12.10 and my computer will not pick up the cd on reboot to upgrade (thatll be in another post though cause i still need to upgrade.)
my current problem is- when i try to install a package in muon it says- "This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided" i did a little searching and found that the program needs to run as root, and that i can do this in the menu editor. well i cant find the menu editor. while trying to upgrade, my desktop is now xfce. i was running this at the begining of the year and i have no idea how it went back, but it runs alot faster with it (the computer is from like 2003- sony vaio) so what i need is- how do i run muon as root? xfce desktop, the help stuff says kde, and its kubuntu 11.10 thanks for any help |
for muon in krunner (alt+F2) or Konsole use the command: kdesudo muon
don't use sudo muon you will be asked for password, enter your password |
re the menu editor: right click Kmenu (or Lancelot) -> menu editor
Registered Member
thankyou! i was close but that did the trick. so just for future reference, anything that opens, like muon etc., you would use kdesudo, and anything that stays in konsole you can just use sudo? thanks again, i was about to throw this thing out the window hahaha |
that's a good way of looking at it (I like to think sudo = command line and kdesudo = gui), though both will work there can be issues at a latter time because of file permissions especially with config files. Kdesusdo runs the app as user root using root's KDE files (/root/.kde) whereas sudo runs the app as you but with root privldeges using your ~/.kde which can cause some of yourfiles to end up as being owned by root without you having write access.
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