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Note: I'm new to these forums, so I apologise in advance for any mistakes I make in presentation. It's my second time, be gentle
![]() Linux 3.8.2-generic KDE SC 4.10.5 When I open a file, I get a prompt which defaults to a 'recently used' list, as seen here: ![]() The problem is that this also turns up for selecting TrueCrypt keyfiles, so anyone using my machine to try and gain access would be presented with the last files used - namely, all my keyfiles. So I need to either stop the keyfiles being added to the list, get TrueCrypt to use a different file manager that doesn't keep track of files opened, or disable the feature entirely if the previous two aren't possible. Can anyone help? |
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interesting question
don't see any way to do this in KDE, you would also have to consider how GNOME, LibreOffice and other relevant apps implement their versions of recently used. the following should help: http://www.kubuntuforums.net/showthread ... -TrueCrypt http://raftaman.net/?p=1180 http://www.nickinator.info/2012/01/24/t ... ents-list/ ps - not sure KDE still uses $KDEDIR/share/apps/RecentDocument might have changed this in 4.11, this is just guess on my part there was a kio & kcm module that could control number of entries displayed but that is no longer working in 4.11 (at least for me) called "kio recent document 0.2.1" (found on apps-.kde.org) |
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Okay, I've found the offending file: "~.local/share/recently-used.xbel", cleared it, and prevented the system from altering it with chmod. Thanks!
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