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SFTP with Konqueror

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SFTP with Konqueror

Mon Nov 02, 2015 12:58 pm
About the only thing that has kept me from ditching Windows completely and switching to Ubuntu desktop is WinSCP. The last time I experimented with Ubuntu I had used Filezilla as my SFTP client. While it is pretty good I found, much to my annoyance, that it required me to confirm every single file edit prior to synchronizing it on the server. Digging around on the Filezilla forum I discovered that its author(s) believe that is the only right way to do things. I am gong to try a second switch to Linux as my desktop OS quite soon. This time round I have found Konqueror which can be used as an SFTP client. Before I invest any effort trying it all out I would like to verify two things

    Can I use non-standard SFTP ports (i.e .not 22) with Konqueror?
    Can I access multiple SFTP servers (effectively multiple SFTP tabs) at the same time
    Can I configure Konqueror to open my favorite code editor when I double click a file
    When I edit the file will - or can it be configured to - Konqueror sync it on the server without seeking any further clarification from me

I'd be most grateful to anyone who might be able to answer some/all of these questions
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Re: SFTP with Konqueror

Mon Nov 02, 2015 3:35 pm
jresponse wrote:Can I use non-standard SFTP ports (i.e .not 22) with Konqueror?

Yes, by specifying it in the URL. I.e. something like this:
Code: Select all

Can I access multiple SFTP servers (effectively multiple SFTP tabs) at the same time

Yes, you can open as many tabs in Konqueror as you like, and you also can split each tab into as many views as you like, each one displaying something different (a website, some local or remote folder, a picture, pdf file, ...)

Can I configure Konqueror to open my favorite code editor when I double click a file

Yes, it opens it with the application configured in KDE's settings, and also has an "Open With" context menu that allows you to choose any other installed application.

When I edit the file will - or can it be configured to - Konqueror sync it on the server without seeking any further clarification from me


Btw, also Dolphin (KDE's default file manager) can be used as SFTP client, actually Konqueror just embeds dolphin for file management in fact.

And as the SFTP protocol is implemented on a global basis in KDE, every KDE application can operate as "SFTP client", e.g. you can just choose "Open" in KWrite (KDE's text editor), enter "s" as URL in the file open/save dialog and pick a file on the remote host.
Registered Member

Re: SFTP with Konqueror

Tue Nov 03, 2015 10:27 am
Btw, also Dolphin (KDE's default file manager) can be used as SFTP client, actually Konqueror just embeds dolphin for file management in fact.

And as the SFTP protocol is implemented on a global basis in KDE, every KDE application can operate as "SFTP client", e.g. you can just choose "Open" in KWrite (KDE's text editor), enter "s" as URL in the file open/save dialog and pick a file on the remote host.

Actually, SFTP in Dolphin 15.08.2 is totally broken. You can connect but cannot browse, upload or download files, it loops endlessly.

Re: SFTP with Konqueror

Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:49 pm
ensure to have kio-extras and dolphin from the same KDE version (SC4 or KF5)
Registered Member

Re: SFTP with Konqueror

Wed Nov 04, 2015 7:06 am
They are the same, 15.08.2, on kubuntu 15.10.


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