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Edit Konqueror 4's context menus, beyond service menus?

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I prefer Konqueror over Dolphin as a file manager (more customizable interface, like multiple pane divisions, both vertical and horizontal), but as it turns out, Dolphin's context menu has the advantage that the first item is just "cut", whereas Konqueror's is "open". Sometimes I'll do some file search or just select lots of files and right click, not to massively open all at the same time, but to click propertiers or send to trash/delete. But by a glitch, I don't know if just in my hand coordination, in Konqueror, or in my mouse, sometimes I'll accidentally "click" open (really feels like it takes the right button release as a click/confirmation -- I guess I hold a tiny little bit longer instead of properly clicking sometimes, which really does that) on a massive selection, and then I have to run, open a terminal and quickly type a loop that keeps p-killing konqueror for a while. When I remember not to do that, I'll use the keyboard's "right click" key, which doesn't have the same problem.

So, is there something extra we can add to konqueror.rc or something else to change the default context menu (even if just to add a "null" first option, somehow), or is it irreversibly hard-coded?



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