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Disable multiple dialogs when saving via sftp

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I've just switched to KDE Plasma from another desktop environment, I'm gradually finding my way around. One thing which I do a lot for work purposes is to use the file manager to browse code on remote servers, click on a file to edit (usually with Kate) and then rely on the file system later to automatically upload that file back to the server. With my previous desktop this was completely transparent, the most you would ever see to indicate what was going on would be an auto-closing upload dialog for if the file was quite large. With KDE plasma, the process works, but I have to go through two confirmation dialogs every time I save.

The first is a "File Changed" dialog which asks me to confirm that I want to upload the file, the second is a confirmation that I want to overwrite the file on the remote server with the new one. In this context having clicked on an existing file to edit it, I would have expected this to behave exactly as though this were a local file (which is what my previous desktop environment did), so the "upload confirm" dialog is totally superfluous, I would always want to upload, while the overwrite confirmation should only be shown if I'm saving under a different file name to the one I started with. I've hunted around and can find no way to disable these dialogs so am currently stuck with them slowing down my work.

It would also be nice to turn off the upload finished notification in this context, but I can live with that. Again, I can't find any way to configure this.
Registered Member
Any thoughts on this much appreciated, I've still not found a solution and it's driving me a bit mad.
Registered Member
Bumping this topic again, I've been living with this problem for over a year now and it's driving me mad.

Recently I installed KDE Plasma on a work laptop, same version and distro as I'm using on my own computers and (mysteriously) the save behaviour works via sftp with kate
exactly as I want it to, no dialogs but the exact same workflow. So it must be possible to change this behaviour somewhere with a setting and presumably at some point the default setting for this behaviour has been changed, otherwise I'd have the same problem on the work laptop. However exactly how I change this is still eluding me, I can find no settings anywhere to control the behaviour of the dialog boxes when saving via sftp from kate. I am now at the point where I'm wondering if I'll have to start again with a new clean user account to get the behaviour to change.


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