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call Konqueror with session - sidebar?

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i am not a native speaker / writer, please excuse.
Waiting for a new computer i was sticking to suse-linux 42.2. Now i recently set up my laptop with suse tumbleweed.

I was astonished to see that konqueror has no more sidebar. It was my absolute favorite file-browser (not at all for internet).
Especially calling k. with certain profiles was a great ease for daily work. Now, also the profiles have gone.

The profiles seem to be substituted by "sessions", as far as i assume, trying to translate the german word "Sitzung".
So the first question is: Can i call konqueror to start with a specific "session" (or whatever the correct term may be)?
If so, what is the syntax? I used [kfmclient openProfile <profile>], is there a pendant for it?

I find it very hard to find information about more inside topics, e.g. the content of the konqerorrc or .kde4/share/apps/konqueror/ folder.
I guess there must be detailed information, so i can build my workarounds by manipulating certain files, call konqueror with certain parameters etc., but i can't find it.

Is there a group concerned with konqueror, still? Will a sidebar come back?

I have konqueror 5.0.97, KDE-Frameworks 5.67.0, Qt 5.14.1, Plasma 5.18.0, Kernel 5.5.2-1-default.

Any help very appreciated!
Registered Member
You could invoke konqueror directly instead of using the kfmclient wrapper. use `konqueror --sessions` to see what sessions are available and `konqueror --open-session <session>` to open a particular one.

Btw, the current version of konqueror (and kde/plasma apps in general) should be using newer XDG standard file paths for config and data locations; meaning config files and folders should be under ~/.config and other per-user data under ~/.local/share/; so you'll need to update anything that references ~/.kde or ~/.kde4 to use these directories instead.

As for the state of Konqueror, I know it continues to receive minimal maintenance/updates, but doesn't really have much active feature work being put into it. People still use it for both file and web browsing, though, because it is a solid file and web browser. (most new efforts are put into Dolphin and Falkon, but some of the work in those apps does trickle back into Konqueror which uses a lot of the same libraries).

I also recall seeing people complaining about the removal of some of these features back around the transition from kde 4 to 5 (well, less removal of features and more that the features weren't ported to the new version). You'd have to do some digging to find the rationale they used, but suffice it to say that the maintainers aren't planning on adding them back (any time soon).

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
Registered Member

a big ThankYou for a very helping and immediate answer.

konqueror --open-session <session>
Where can I find information like that about konqueror? I guess there are some / a lot of more possibilities i might be able to use? Are there no listings somewhere?

If i want to improve some thinghs on / for my own, i gues i would have to learn a bit of programming, compiling and that stuff?
Like configure own buttons in the toolbar, maybe even build some sidebar?
I admit i am interested, just lacking bits of time...
... but i anyway prefer learning things by doing, so that might be a worthy project for me.
Still depending on the amount of effort it needs to be put inside, i just have duties also.

Lot´s of thanks again!
Registered Member
For discovering the command-line options available for an application, most applications support a '--help' parameter which prints out the usages, e.g. 'konqueror --help'
There are also usually text-based manual pages you can install (sometimes in separate ...-doc packages) that you can access from the command line using the 'man' command, e.g. 'man konqueror' which provide more information on the command-line use of the programs.

airdrik, proud to be a member of KDE forums since 2008-Dec.
Registered Member
I tried a few variations, based on your suggestion, and they all result in the same issue. The chrome session starts on the remote computer and not on displayed on the local remote display MyAARPMedicare Login


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