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Kate CTags pugin not working

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Kate CTags pugin not working

Tue Jan 24, 2023 2:58 pm
I am using Kate v21.12.3 on Kubuntu 22.04 (fully updated). I have also installed exuberant ctags from the Kubuntu repo using Discover. I have viewed Kate/Settings/Configure Kate/Plugins and ensured that there is a check mark next to the CTags plugin entry. I do have a CTags menu at the top of the screen (which shows all its entries in a non-grayd-out manner, i.e. the entries are active) and a CTags button at the bottom. I am also using Kate in its non-fullscreen mode.

However, when I try to use CTags, it does not work. I have tried working through the process given at ... ctags.html without success. BTW, it does not help that the screenshots shown there do not(!) match up with the functionality that Kate actually displays.

Use Case

Click CTags button/Index Targets<tab>/"+ Add" button
Enter absolute path to .c source code file in Name box in the Open File - Kate dialog that pops up.
Click Open button on that dialog. The blue highlight on that button turns off and then turns on again. That is all that happens.

Am I supposed to tell Kate where to find (exuberant) ctags ? If so, how is that done within Kate ?



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