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SystemSettings missing Login Screen SDDM module...

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OS: Arch Linux
KDE: 5.27.3

Issue: System Settings not showing the 'Login Screen (SDDM)' Module.

Explanation: In KDE's "System Settings > Startup and Shutdown" the module "Login Screen (SDDM)" is missing. I do have sddm and sddm-kcm packages installed. If I do a "kcmshell5 --list" it shows that the kcm_sddm is there and I can run it using "kcmshell5 kcm_sddm". However, when I rund "systemsettings --list" it doesn't exist. I have another system with an identical build and it shows that "systemsettings --list" has kcm_sddm module. I can't figure out why that is. I tried reinstalling the packages but no luck.

Any help would be appreciated.


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