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configure konsole to stop writing window geometry

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love konsole :)

i'm trying to work out a patch to stop konsole from always writing the window geometry upon exit.

i'm talking about terms like

Code: Select all
DP-3 DP-1 Height 1440x2560=2558
DP-3 DP-1 Height 2560x1440=478
DP-3 DP-1 Width 1440x2560=1438
DP-3 DP-1 Width 2560x1440=1232
DP-3 DP-1 XPosition 1440x2560=2561
DP-3 DP-1 XPosition 2560x1440=1327
DP-3 DP-1 YPosition 1440x2560=1
DP-3 DP-1 YPosition 2560x1440=1573

in the `konsolerc` file.

i've tried searching through the source code and i can't work out where it's happening. i thought maybe here - ... w.cpp#L908 - but it doesn't seem to be it.

i note the writing only happens on exit.

does anyone have any hints of how i can fix this (happy for a patch because i'm building it myself)

thanks! :)


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