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How to colorize the top bar of splits?

Tags: konsole, color, styling konsole, color, styling konsole, color, styling
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Hello there,

I am currently trying to switch from terminator to konsole.
One thing that bothers me is that I can't find a way to colorize the top bar of a split.

What I mean by top bar of a split is where the titles of splits appear, like in this image, e.g. ~:bash or ~:zsh.

It already seems like the active split has a slightly different color than the non-active ones, but no built-in way to change the specific color.

I tried changing colors in KDE's appearance system settings, to no avail.
I also tried coloring them via the user-defined stylesheet, which the closes result was with:
Code: Select all
QWidget > QLabel:active, QToolButton {
    background-color: orange;
, but this only changes the element's background-color, not the whole bar, while also not differentiating between active splits.
I even dug trough the source code, to find some sort of possible hidden option.

Is this even possible, and if, how?



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