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keep tabs-from-file tab open if command exited

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decided to build some scripts for speeding up my actions, found that Konsole supports --tabs-from-file.
What I want:
with single command of tabs-from-file open multiple tabs, each having workdir and running own command. If command finishes, keep tab with working dir opened and interactive, so can e.g. re-run command
What I get:
when command exits (ctrl+c, smth else) tab closes.

tabs file entry
Code: Select all
title: %n;; workdir:/home/user/dir;; command: npm run start:dev
runs node.js in directory /home/user/dir monitoring it app dir for changes. I want to stop monitoring because I need to install additional package for app (npm i some-package), and then start it again (npm run start:dev). I naturally press Ctrl+C, and tab exits. I want it to keep running in working dir.

I tried --no-close but it makes session non-active after command exit. I tried running with custom profile which runs command, but no luck (didn't spend too much time on it, mb there is a way).
Any ideas?



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