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Unable to make build for KDETelepathy

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Hi all,

I am trying to install KDETelepathy on my Kali Linux (v1.0.7). I followed the guide in the link below:

The packages I already had installed were the telepathy-mission-control-5, telepathy-gabble and telephony-haze.
When I tried to install the telephony-butterfly package, I got the following message:

E: Unable to locate package telephony-butterfly

I downloaded the telephony-qt.0.9.3.tar.gz from here:

I then ran the command

This is the message that appears on my terminal (trimmed, the complete output is available in a .txt file that I am willing to provide if it will help):

-- The following external packages were located on your system.
-- This installation will have the extra features provided by these packages.
* Qt Glib Support - QtCore library using Glib's main event loop
* dbus-python - GLib-based Python DBus support

-- The following OPTIONAL packages could NOT be located on your system.
-- Consider installing them to enable more features from this software.
* Telepathy-glib (0.17.5 or higher) <>
Glib bindings for Telepathy
Needed, together with Qt Glib integration, to build most of the unit tests
* Farstream (0.1.0 or higher) <>
A Framework for dealing with audio/video conferencing protocols
Needed, together with GStreamer and Telepathy-Farstream, to build telepathy-qt-farstream
* Telepathy-Farstream (0.2.2 or higher) <>
A Framework for dealing with audio/video conferencing protocols
Needed, together with GStreamer and Farstream, to build telepathy-qt-farstream
* GStreamer (FALSE or higher) <Needed, together with Tp-Farsight, to build telepathy-qt-farsight and some additional examples>
An open source multimedia framework


-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

When I try to proceed with make, there is no makefile found. According to the output, the software is said to be optional. Why then is it reporting an error?
Any assistance is welcome.
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-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

Can you please post the full CMake configuration output so we can examine why it failed to configure?

KDE Sysadmin


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