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Just an empression of happy user

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Just an empression of happy user

Thu Jul 24, 2014 8:49 am
One of things in KDE which I don't understand - is Telepathy. Some kinda microwave with laser beam and chainsaw.
Why there's always something wrong with it?
I never get it working. Kubuntu comes with Telepathy preinstalled, but not whole telepathy, you must collect all parts of it, like a puzzle, there's always something missing. And you must watch for the news from Telepathy team carefully, because next time you update Telepathy, you might find that something is broken,
About five years ago:
- Oh! People! Look! We made calls and even video calls available! Look for the demo on youtube!

And five years later it still doesn't working!
Why I can't call to anyone? - Just beause.
You can't make call to Google, because of Google, Can't call to skype because because of skype, you can't call to Jabber... You just can't do it. (well actually you can do it but only if it's a friday and wind goes from north west and neighbours cat has died)
Why I can't connect via SIP? - oh, It's just outdated something in the someones libraries and blah-blah-blah...
Why I can't call via Bonjour service? This computer is in local network, I allmost can reach it! - Just because.

Telepathy - is a powerfull brainsucking mashine!
Ancient typing mashine, which only causes problems on KDE starting and opens it's contact list for five seconds.

People! Wach out!
I have warned you.
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Re: Just an empression of happy user

Thu Jul 24, 2014 11:52 am
first of all it's good to hear that you consider yourself a "happy user" in general!

I can understand your frustration about situations where KDE Telepathy does not work in general, and about voice and video chat not working.

The fact that the (KDE) Telepathy stack is spread out over so many packages is partly due to the modular nature of Telepathy itself (on which KDE has no influence since it is not a KDE project), partly due to keeping things flexible (if you don't need the Plasmoids KTp provides, why should you be forced to install them?). Getting all the right package versions together (and providing a meta package which installs them all at once) is not always easy, but it is the task of packagers. So packaging-related bugs should be addressed to the Kubuntu team. The more precisely you describe a problem, the easier it will be for them to fix it.

About the voice and video chat: Yes, this is a frustrating story, but believe me, it is as frustrating for the KTp team as it is for you. The dependency chain for Telepathy-based voice and video chat is even more complex than that for text chat. The biggest task to get it working is currently getting a new QtStreamer out that works with the newest gstreamer. Work on that is underway, though, so it will happen!
While building heavily on the work of others has big benefits (for example, getting new protocols working is basically "free" for KTp as soon as Telepathy gets them to work), it also brings problems with it, one being that if some project in the chain decides to change their API with a new version, all the others depending on it have to catch up to work again.
So I'd encourage you to either be patient a little longer until the team fixes the problems, or - better - help the team with any skills you have!

A little hint for the future: KTp Developers read this forum, too. It's their "baby" you're talking about. They are proud of their product, and rightfully so, because for the majority of users, KTp works just fine (except for the voice and video chat).
When you raise your concerns, you hope that they will do something about them. However, the way you are criticizing their work is not really motivating the team to fix things. It's more likely to make them ignore your concerns or - worse - to get demoralized.
That's why Jens Reuterberg laid out guidelines for constructive criticism in the Visual Design Group forum. So, feedback is always appreciated, but providing it in a constructive way (ideally along with the things you like about a product!) will go a much longer way towards getting what you want.

And if you find that KTp has more problems than benefits for you, you can still switch to for example Kopete, which is more mature than KTp (but also less innovative). There is a reason why KTp still hasn't officially reached version 1.0, after all.
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You right about one thing. I must apologize. I must apologize for posting my impressions on, because it (might be) violating forums rules, and "demotivating developers".
I will not apologize for everything else. Because I think, that Telepaty developers deserved it. Why? I allready explained it.
They have a right to express them selves by spreading their code, and I have a right as a user, to show my opinion on this masterpiece.
Sorry for posting it on kde.or forum,
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KDE Developer
kgolubev wrote:and I have a right as a user, to show my opinion on this masterpiece

Oh absolutely. However we also have a right to show you the door...

(the image's alt text is especially fitting here ^_^)

KDE Telepathy | Plasma | Plasma Mobile
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Ahem. Let's not get too carried away, shall we? So far this thread has done nothing but just cause bad feelings (and I don't see anything constructive inside).

Therefore I'm locking this. I'd like to remind everyone about the forum rules and the KDE Code of Conduct.

"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
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