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does ktorrent pre allocate files?

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does ktorrent pre allocate files?

Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:00 pm
I had that option on in previus bittorrent clients, to prevent fragmentation.

Does ktorrent preallocate/does it use other ways to prevent file fragmentation?

Sun Oct 01, 2006 9:15 am
We preallocate diskspace, though I don't think the current way prevents fragmentation. We were going to add a way to do this without fragmentation (but this will be slow for big files), but other stuff got higher priority
Registered Member

Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:38 am
This particular feature is giving me HUGE problems. When I set up torrents that contain a few thousand files, it takes between a half hour to an hour to get things going. Say I open a .torrent file which contains 4000 files. However, I only want 500 of them. KTorrent creates all four thousand files, rather quickly. Then it will delete the 3500 files one at a time. Each one takes around 2-5 seconds. Aaaaarg!!

So, this leads to the next problem. Say I tell KTorrent to go ahead and download all 4000 files, then I unselect 3500 of them in the 'Files' pane. It still goes ahead and downloads all 4000 files. Grrrrr!!

Sooo.. I stop the torrent, close KTorrent (quit from the icon) and re-start it. Now, I notice that it has ignored MOST of my changes, but not all of them. What the???

De-select the files, AGAIN, close KTorrent, delete the files I don't want manually (which is a total pain in the @$$ when the files are all in one folder), and re-start KTorrent. Now it asks me if it wants me to have it re-create the files I deleted. NO!!

So, a couple hours after starting the process, I finally get my torrent started. The torrent finishes, I burn the files to a DVD then delete the files. I de-select those 500 files, select 500 more and start downloading those. I notice that KTorrent is still including the old 500 files in the file size and % complete totals. Well that's not right..

Stop the torrent, Close KTorrent and re-start it, and I notice that both sets of 500 files are still selected. **&@$# ^*#& @ $^* @#^$ !!!!!!!!!

Spend another 1/2 hour to an hour sorting the mess out.

I also tried deleting the torrent and re-opening it in case there was some unrepeatable data corruption or something. No difference.

PLEASE fix these issues, or if there's just something bizarre here, tell me how to fix it. The version I'm using is 2.0.3. I'm on a Gnome desktop, it's using KDE 3.5.1 level 'a' on SUSE 10.1. Pretty sure I got the package off of pbone. I'm certain it's a common distribution anyway, so no worries there. I really can't live with this, after this torrent, I'll switch to Azureus or uTorrent and try those to see if I get better file handling performance.

I'll re-post these bits in the other section, but thought I would mention them here, just in case something points to one of my issues mentioned above. Although I doubt it. Anyway..

The 'pane' in the bottom panel is un-stretchable. I can move the divider between the two panels, but the 'pane' inside the bottom panel has a max height somewhere. Also, oddly, the 'Trackers' tab stretches the pane a bit more than the other tabs.

Further, the columns in the peers tab ignore your width changes. Well actually, they reset to default every .5 seconds when the data updates.

Thanks for your help guys!

Sun Dec 10, 2006 1:14 pm
Have you tried 2.1beta1 ?
Registered Member

Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:43 pm
No, have all these issues been addressed in 2.1? I wasn't sure that they were known issues, or just my install yet.

At any rate, I don't much care for making packages. it's rather time consuming when compared to downloading them from pbone or whatever. Also, beta's scare me. Well in Linux they scare me, because if it crashes out the system, I don't know enough about Linux to fix it. I probably won't try a beta, unless I can get guaranteed feedback that it works in SUSE 10.1, as well as precise instructions on makeing it. Or a package from a trusted member. :D

Anyway, that's the long answer. Have I tried the beta? Nope. :)

Thanks again.
Registered Member

Mon Dec 11, 2006 10:09 am
Yup, it tries to create umpteen thousand files then delete them in 2.1 beta1 as well. I also just discovered that it doubles the file space usage between the cache, dnd, and file holders. I'm not even going to bother testing the other issues.

I'm out, I'm going to install Azureus. If it behaves better, I'll be uninstalling the KTorrent beta and switch to Azureus Permanently. Sorry about this guys, keep up the good work, and let me know when some of these issues get repaired.

Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:46 pm
Crogon wrote:Yup, it tries to create umpteen thousand files then delete them in 2.1 beta1 as well. I also just discovered that it doubles the file space usage between the cache, dnd, and file holders. I'm not even going to bother testing the other issues.

Never heard of symlinks ? Anyway, the fact that all the files are created before the selection dialog, well maybe we should change this, for lots of files this can be a rather a big operation.
Registered Member

Tue Dec 12, 2006 9:16 pm
Yes I understand the symlinks perfectly, but beween those and the cache and the dump folder, it's needlessly creating 12000 files for a 4000 file torrent which i only need 500 of. the read / write operations alone take 1/2 hour to 2 hours.

The other problems wouldn't be quite so annoying if it wasn't for that fact. When it takes that long to pull up your file list, then you see it still has the last 500 files selected, it's enough to make you want to pull your hair out and scream.

Thanks for the attention to the problem though. :)
Registered Member

Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:02 pm
Bump-ditty-bump, ditty-bump-bump-BUMP..


Hey guys!!

Let's see, my main computer is now running OpenSuse 10.2 on a new XPS laptop, but that's not why I'm dropping in.

Have the file handling issues been looked in to yet? I really do like ktorrent's interface better. Not sure I made that clear earlier, but yeah, I love ktorrent. I just can't live with the file handling issues when downloading these huge torrents. ..sooo, I am still forced to use other 'solutions'. I'm using Azureus atm, but I'd rather be using ktorrent, if I could

I'd love to know if there's been any progress in this area, keep up the good work and, as always, thanks for your time. :D

Fri Mar 16, 2007 6:47 pm
We now only create the files which are needed.


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