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Too few connections

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Too few connections

Fri Jan 09, 2009 1:35 am
Hi, this is my first post, so please be kind with me. :D

I'm using ktorrent on ubuntu 64bit - standard installation (no self-compiled ktorrent or such [kde 4.1.3 - ktorrent 3.1.2]). I now have a torrent in my queue, having 13 thousand seeds (yes, 13.000) and about 1.5 thousand leechers. My dsl line has got 1MBit down and 0.5Mbit up. DSL Router is a WRT45G with linux onboard (dd-wrt).

My problem is, that ktorrent downloads this torrent at 20KiB/S and falling. It started to download from (IIRC) 10 peers and about 8 leechers at about 30KiB. Ok. After about 2min from starting the download this might be ok. But since then, it has been dropping continously. At the time of this writing, it is downloading at 3.4KiB/s from 1 peer and 2 leechers. Thats about 15minutes since start... I corrrect myself. It just established about 12 new connections to seeds (0 left to peers) and is now downloading at full speed (120KiB/s). (Edit: Again dropping to 5peers and 16KiB/s)

My questions is: Why does it connect to various new seeds/peers that slowly. I have (purpously) disabled port forwarding on my router. But at 13k peers it should really connect faster to some of those. Even if 90% of them have a firewall that DROPs (not REJECTs) packets, ktorrrent should find and connect to the rest quite fast. Even if incoming connections are disabled, it loses connections to seeds, that are already established and on top of it, it doesn't establish new connections.

Now, it has just 8 connections to seeds and 0 to peers - and is at 50KiB/s. If I download this torrent with ytorrent on windows, I have 120KiB/s all the time - it connects to about 20 to 30 peers... so theres no problem, keeping the 1MBit line full busy.
`netstat -ptn|g rep ktorrent|wc -l ` also says there are 8 connections at the moment. I have no connection in netstat that is on status SYN_WAIT (IIRC - halfopen connections or whatever it is called).
The router can handle more than that much of connections (it's working on windows and IIRC other linux clients) and confirmed that i can utilize my full bandwidth.

Why doesn't ktorrent try to connect to much more additional sources??
I didn't found a configuration for this - I have the (ubuntu-)standard setting to allow 250 connections of which 10-20 are used. I haven't found one for half-open connections.

One further question - I haven't found a way to priorize torrents. Per example, if I had 4 torrents queued in ktorrent and I have ktorrent configured to download 2 at the same time, I can't configure it, which two torrents it should download at first. So if it feels like it it downloads torrents 1 and 4 (per example). How would I tell it, if I wanted to download 1 and 2 first and after 1 is finished, it should start 3 and afterwards it should start 4. Is this possible and if it isn't, is there a schedule to implement this?

Sorry for the long post, but wanted to post as much usefull information as possible.
Best regards,


Fri Jan 09, 2009 9:27 am
Use the QM manager to change the priority of the torrents.

As for the connections, can you send me your log file ? (~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/log)

Also is DHT enabled ? What happens if you turn on encryption ?
Registered Member
Registered Member

Sun Feb 01, 2009 12:53 pm
George wrote:Use the QM manager to change the priority of the torrents.

As for the connections, can you send me your log file ? (~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/log)

Also is DHT enabled ? What happens if you turn on encryption ?

i am seeing similar problems too, where do i sent the log?

i put on pastebin for now:


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