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KT Reporting Wrong Stats to Tracker

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KT Reporting Wrong Stats to Tracker

Fri May 22, 2009 10:20 am

I am a member of a private tracker. I was uploading a 4.2 GB file to this tracker using Transmission. When the file had reached 22% upload, I decided I wanted to try KT for better performance. So I closed Transmission, went to the tracker website, re-downloaded the .torrent**, opened it with KT and told it to save it to the same folder where my previous .torrent was. KT told me there was already a file with the same name in that folder and asked me if I wanted to replace it. I said YES. Then I loaded that .torrent file into KT. At that very moment, my ratio stats on the tracker website dropped from approx. 5.8 to exactly 3.8.

** This tracker requires that when you create a .torrent to upload there, you must use an announce URL which looks like this: ... b47144fZZZ

After you have uploaded the .torrent, you need to download it in order to start seeding.

The tracker uses a highly modified version of

Administrators of the tracker claim that either there is something wrong with the KT client in reporting stats, or I did something wrong. They may decide to ban KT.

I would very much appreciate any clues.


Version ?
Registered Member

Sat May 23, 2009 8:56 am
v. 2.2.8 running on Debian Lenny with Gnome

Sat May 23, 2009 9:15 am
marl wrote:v. 2.2.8 running on Debian Lenny with Gnome

As far as I know there are no problems with wrong stats in 2.2.8.

Can you send me your log files, they should be located in ~/.kde/share/apps/ktorrent/

They are named log and log-1.gz, log-2.gz ... log-10.gz ?

Sat May 23, 2009 9:16 am
Btw, did ktorrent import the full data of the torrent ?
Registered Member

Sat May 23, 2009 9:25 am
George wrote:Btw, did ktorrent import the full data of the torrent ?

I don't know exactly what you mean by "full data".

The upload had reached 22% uploading with Transmission when I changed to KT. That means approx. 1 GB of data had already been uploaded. Do you mean to ask if KT downloaded 1 GB of data? My internet connection does not have the capacity to download that amount of data in less than a minute.

Also, I did not change folders.

I am looking for the log, will send it to you soon.

Last edited by marl on Mon May 25, 2009 9:12 am, edited 1 time in total.
Registered Member

Sat May 23, 2009 9:59 am
I've just mailed you the logs.
Registered Member

Mon May 25, 2009 9:11 am
Hi George,

did you get the logs?

I'm sorry I cannot answer your question about if I downloaded the data, but now I understand what you mean. You mean if I downloaded the actual file. I was the initial seeder of that file, so the data was already in my hard disk and in the same folder. Also, it is impossible that I downloaded the data because everything happened in less that one minute.

I was having a look at the logs but I really can't understand them.

Do you think it was an error in KTorrent reporting the Upload/Download data?

Mon May 25, 2009 5:56 pm
marl wrote:Hi George,

did you get the logs?

I'm sorry I cannot answer your question about if I downloaded the data, but now I understand what you mean. You mean if I downloaded the actual file. I was the initial seeder of that file, so the data was already in my hard disk and in the same folder. Also, it is impossible that I downloaded the data because everything happened in less that one minute.

I was having a look at the logs but I really can't understand them.

Do you think it was an error in KTorrent reporting the Upload/Download data?

Haven't had the time yet to look at the logs, but will do that later today.

Mon May 25, 2009 6:30 pm
I see no announces with left=0 as parameter, this means that ktorrent hasn't found the data of the torrent. The left parameter indicates how much you have left to download, so left=0 means you are a seeder.

You need to point ktorrent to the data when you open the torrent, otherwise it will just start downloading it again, which will impact your upload ratio negatively.

Further more if you first start seeding with transmission, and then you switch to ktorrent without importing the data, who knows how the tracker will respond to that.
Registered Member

Wed May 27, 2009 9:16 am
George wrote:I see no announces with left=0 as parameter, this means that ktorrent hasn't found the data of the torrent. The left parameter indicates how much you have left to download, so left=0 means you are a seeder.

In fact, there aren't any left parameters in my logs. If KTorrent did not recognize the data already existing in my HD, shouldn't there be a left parameter with a value other than 0?

George wrote:You need to point ktorrent to the data when you open the torrent, otherwise it will just start downloading it again, which will impact your upload ratio negatively.

I did. I pointed to the same directory where my data was.

George wrote:Further more if you first start seeding with transmission, and then you switch to ktorrent without importing the data, who knows how the tracker will respond to that.

If you mean to import the data from the other client to KTorrent, I think this can only be done with the Import Plugin. This plugin was not installed, so I skipped this step.

It seems strange to me that opening the .torrent and pointing to the right directory where the data resides is not enough for KTorrent to recognize that the data already exists.

The .torrent I opened was not the one I already had downloaded from the tracker with Transmission. Instead, I went to the tracker and re-downloaded the .torrent with KTorrent. KTorrent asked me if I wanted to replace the file, I said YES. May be the case that the .torrent was rehashed?

Sat May 30, 2009 10:41 am
marl wrote:
George wrote:I see no announces with left=0 as parameter, this means that ktorrent hasn't found the data of the torrent. The left parameter indicates how much you have left to download, so left=0 means you are a seeder.

In fact, there aren't any left parameters in my logs. If KTorrent did not recognize the data already existing in my HD, shouldn't there be a left parameter with a value other than 0?

left=some_number is sent with every announce, you need to take a closer look at those logs.

George wrote:You need to point ktorrent to the data when you open the torrent, otherwise it will just start downloading it again, which will impact your upload ratio negatively.

I did. I pointed to the same directory where my data was.

You should get a scan dialog, if existing files are found.

George wrote:Further more if you first start seeding with transmission, and then you switch to ktorrent without importing the data, who knows how the tracker will respond to that.

If you mean to import the data from the other client to KTorrent, I think this can only be done with the Import Plugin. This plugin was not installed, so I skipped this step.

The import plugin does not exist anymore, it's functionality has become part of the core functionality of ktorrent (File -> Import torrent). But, normally opening will also work, if KT can find the files.

It seems strange to me that opening the .torrent and pointing to the right directory where the data resides is not enough for KTorrent to recognize that the data already exists.

My guess is this what happened :
- Multifile torrent with toplevel directory named foobar
- Data located in /home/you/stuff/foobar
- You select /home/you/stuff/foobar in open dialog
- KT searches for a directory /home/you/stuff/foobar/foobar
- Doesn't find it so it creates it and starts downloading the torrent

You need to select /home/you/stuff for ktorrent to find the files.

The .torrent I opened was not the one I already had downloaded from the tracker with Transmission. Instead, I went to the tracker and re-downloaded the .torrent with KTorrent. KTorrent asked me if I wanted to replace the file, I said YES. May be the case that the .torrent was rehashed?

Doesn't matter, as long as the files are the same.


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