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Everything is Stalled, or downloading at ~200bytes/s

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Help please, I am using 3.2.1, everything is dead in the water except uploads (they can go full speed if I allow them to). I have tried different torrents/trackers combinations with exactly same results.
I did speed tests (no problems there), looked at the firewall settings, tried uPNP and manual port forward, even made my machine DMZ, with no luck.
My profession is linux sysadmin, so I doubt it is the network settings :wink:
In the log I see lots of:
Not enough data received, encrypted authentication failed
Authentication to $SOMEIPADDRESS: failure
Timeout occurred
and very few of:
Authentication to $SOMEIPADDRESS: ok

Please help!

EDIT: Just tried qBittorrent and it downloads full speed. Something definitely is wrong with ktorrent
EDIT2: just installed 3.2.2 same problem.
EDIT3: after fiddling with some parameter (increased the upload limit and network sleep time, decreased the max. number of connection setup to 10) I get about 10-50kb/s d/l on torrent with 1000 seeders and 10Mbit line.


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