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[kt=2.2.8/kde=3.5.10] Tx data as much as tx protocol

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Hi there,
i'm on a space constained pc and i decided not to upgrade to kde4. I also have a fairly limited connection in data transfer per month (6gb now, was 1gb before today). I am using some tools to monitor my data usage toroughly and compare the output of those tools with my ISP's perspective. The tools are very accurate (5% error margin).

Here is what ktorrent says about today's download session so far:
Transfered down: 145.7 MB / up: 10.9 MB

And this is what my tool reports:
Rx: 194.0 | Tx: 68.3 | Tot: 262.31 MB

torrent protocol uses approx less than:
Rx: 50 Mb (near 25%totRX) | Tx: 58 Mb (about 85%totTX)

My settings were mostly set to unlimited everywhere with heavy limits on uploads (share ratio 0.1)... sorry that i'm not sharing more, but my connection costs a lot and if i can reduce protocol usage, i'll be able to lift the upload limits.

Is there any limit that i could set that would reduce protocol data usage while keeping a good long term efficiency? Or is there more control over these things in newer version with kde4 or is it overall really recommended to move to kde4 for ktorrent?

Registered Member

Fri Jun 26, 2009 7:06 pm
PS: i know i've been reading emails and browsing at least on this website, so all this is in the usage too, but should account for less than 5mb rx and less than 1mb tx.
turner25 wrote:Hi there,
i'm on a space constained pc and i decided not to upgrade to kde4. I also have a fairly limited connection in data transfer per month (6gb now, was 1gb before today). I am using some tools to monitor my data usage toroughly and compare the output of those tools with my ISP's perspective. The tools are very accurate (5% error margin).

Here is what ktorrent says about today's download session so far:
Transfered down: 145.7 MB / up: 10.9 MB

And this is what my tool reports:
Rx: 194.0 | Tx: 68.3 | Tot: 262.31 MB

torrent protocol uses approx less than:
Rx: 50 Mb (near 25%totRX) | Tx: 58 Mb (about 85%totTX)

My settings were mostly set to unlimited everywhere with heavy limits on uploads (share ratio 0.1)... sorry that i'm not sharing more, but my connection costs a lot and if i can reduce protocol usage, i'll be able to lift the upload limits.

Is there any limit that i could set that would reduce protocol data usage while keeping a good long term efficiency? Or is there more control over these things in newer version with kde4 or is it overall really recommended to move to kde4 for ktorrent?


There is more to overhead then just the bittorrent protocol itself, there is also TCP and IP, PPP if you are running over ADSL. Then there are tracker announces, DHT if you have that enabled.

Not to mention that not all bittorrent protocol messages are directly involved with transferring data.

There really isn't much you can do about this, you can turn of some features like peer exchange or DHT, but that will probably not save that much.


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