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uploading fast, then choked, then fast, then chokes...

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I made my first torrent today and uploaded it into a private tracker. It seemed to go fine, and now I have 3 leechers who are trying to download from me. I think I have my ports configured correctly and I've downloaded and uploaded at great speeds in the past.

The problem is that for this torrent I'm only uploading to one peer (I made it, so there aren't any other seeders yet), but I'm only for some reason uploading to one person, and even for that person it goes fast (~250 kb/s) and then it drops again to 0, and then it goes fast, and drops and so on.

Is there something I'm doing wrong? If I click on "peers" for that torrent, I only see one, but I can see there are 2 other leechers, and they can't possibly be downloading from someone else.



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