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RSS feed, beating my head against the wall

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Hey all - long time user, first time poster.

I've been searching this forum and Google for two days now trying to get an RSS feed to populate some torrents to automatically download, but I just cannot get it to work.

I have my RSS feed entered into the Syndication plugin, and shows do show up in the feed pane, but that's where my troubles start. First off, there are the standard and 720p files, of which I'd like to filter the 720s out. Other posts in here have mentioned various filters to enter, but when I do and refresh the feed, everything is still there. I have tried:


The second one is in case it is case-sensitive...but still, both are still there. Since I have a number of shows in my feed, I also tried a wildcard one:


Still, doesn't work. Another site recommended "&exclude=(720)", but there was no joy there, either. Further more, I've tried various combinations and hit the "test" button in the filter setup, and nothing populates there - even when I ran it without any limitations. (I would assume that, in this case, it would just throw up everything that is in my feed.)

Finally, regardless of the above, nothing automatically starts downloading. I've read in posts that it won't unless you have a filter active, but since I can't get any filters to work, I guess that's my problem there.

So, to here's where I would really appreciate some help:
1. I'd like to set my RSS feed to automatically DL shows
2. I'd like to only DL standard def and not 720 files
3. I'd really like it if there was a wild-card filter I can enter to apply it to all shows in the feed and not have to have a Dexter filter, a Boardwalk Empire filter, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. BTW - I've been happily using this software for years - I'm just getting in trouble because I decided to get fancy/lazy.


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