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After upgrading to 4.2.1, some trackers won't connect

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Registered Member
I upgraded to Kubuntu 12.10, and that upgraded KTorrent from 4.1.3 to 4.2.1. But now one private tracker won't connect at all, and just gives "Error: Invalid reponse from tracker". Is anyone else having a problem like this with KTorrent 4.2.1?

Actually, version 4.2.1 seems to have problems with connecting to trackers in general, especially with a slow connection. I've noticed that more than half of the time, perfectly valid trackers are erroring with timeouts, invalid data, could not resolve hostname, etc. Of course, I do have many many torrents running, and a slow VPN, so a certain amount of timeouts are to be expected, but now well over half have trouble connecting, and one or two private trackers won't connect at ALL (and the "invalid response from tracker" error is confusing, because I don't know how a poor connection would cause that specific error).

I don't want to downgrade if I don't have to.

Stonecold wrote:I upgraded to Kubuntu 12.10, and that upgraded KTorrent from 4.1.3 to 4.2.1. But now one private tracker won't connect at all, and just gives "Error: Invalid reponse from tracker". Is anyone else having a problem like this with KTorrent 4.2.1?

Actually, version 4.2.1 seems to have problems with connecting to trackers in general, especially with a slow connection. I've noticed that more than half of the time, perfectly valid trackers are erroring with timeouts, invalid data, could not resolve hostname, etc. Of course, I do have many many torrents running, and a slow VPN, so a certain amount of timeouts are to be expected, but now well over half have trouble connecting, and one or two private trackers won't connect at ALL (and the "invalid response from tracker" error is confusing, because I don't know how a poor connection would cause that specific error).

I don't want to downgrade if I don't have to.


The "invalid response from tracker" error, has been fixed in 4.3.0

As for the connection errors, if you use a **** VPN, you can't expect things to work perfectly.
Registered Member
OK, I'm trying to compile it, but I'm having some troubles.

Code: Select all
alex@kubuntu:/tmp/ktorrent-4.3.0/build$ make
Scanning dependencies of target ktcore_automoc
Generating torrentfilelistmodel.moc
Generating prefpageinterface.moc
Generating coreinterface.moc
Generating queuemanager.moc
Generating torrentfiletreemodel.moc
Generating torrentfilemodel.moc
Generating plugin.moc
Generating chunkbar.moc
Generating moc_itemselectionmodel.cpp
Generating moc_group.cpp
Generating moc_dbustorrentfilestream.cpp
Generating moc_groupmanager.cpp
Generating moc_centralwidget.cpp
Generating moc_tabbarwidget.cpp
Generating moc_extender.cpp
Generating moc_dbus.cpp
Generating moc_dbusgroup.cpp
Generating moc_pluginactivity.cpp
Generating moc_basicjobprogresswidget.cpp
Generating moc_activity.cpp
Generating moc_torrentgroup.cpp
Generating moc_stringcompletionmodel.cpp
Generating moc_dbussettings.cpp
Generating moc_dbustorrent.cpp
Generating moc_jobtracker.cpp
Generating moc_jobprogresswidget.cpp
[  0%] Built target ktcore_automoc
[  0%] Generating settings.h, settings.cpp
[  1%] Generating ui_basicjobprogresswidget.h
Scanning dependencies of target ktcore
[  1%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/ktcore_automoc.o
[  1%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/util/mmapfile.o
[  2%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/util/itemselectionmodel.o
[  2%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/util/stringcompletionmodel.o
[  2%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/util/treefiltermodel.o
[  2%] Building CXX object libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/interfaces/functions.o
/tmp/ktorrent-4.3.0/libktcore/interfaces/functions.cpp:35:34: fatal error: peer/connectionlimit.h: No such file or directory
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/interfaces/functions.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [libktcore/CMakeFiles/ktcore.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
First compile and install libktorrent


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