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Validation errors in Sigil with EPUB version from Author

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I am really excited to see the release of a tool like Calligra Author, hoping that -- with the Mobipocket export -- I can break free of Windows altogether. So first up, thanks to all the developers involved!

Here's the sitch. I created a very basic document in Author 2.6.4 (Linux). No formatting or images. I then exported the document as an EPUB and opened it up in Sigil (ver 0.7.2). I then did the Flight Crew verification on the file and got the following errors:

Code: Select all
OEBPS/content.opf - Line 2 - The <package> element's "version" attribute value needs to be "2.0", but is "1.0".
OEBPS/toc.ncx - Line 14 - element 'navMap' is not allowed for content model '(navInfo*,navLabel*,navPoint+)'
OEBPS/Text/chapter1.xhtml - Line 18 - missing required attribute 'src'
OEBPS/Text/chapter1.xhtml - Line 20 - missing required attribute 'src'


The first two lines of the file read:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
<package xmlns="" unique-identifier="BookId" version="1.0" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:opf="">

Okay, easily fixed, but you might want to change the auto-generated version number at your end.


The file is small, so here it is in its entirety:

Code: Select all
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?><ncx xmlns="" version="2005-1" xml:lang="en">
  <meta content="123456789X" name="dtb:uid"/>
  <meta content="1" name="dtb:depth"/>
  <meta content="0" name="dtb:totalPageCount"/>
  <meta content="0" name="dtb:maxPageNumber"/>
  <text>KS Augustin</text>
 <navMap/>     <<--- This is Line 14

I don't know what to do about this one.


The Lines 18 to 20 are:

Code: Select all
  <div><img alt="(No Description)" class="gr1" /></div>

  <div><img alt="(No Description)" class="gr2" /></div>

Again, no big deal deleting them but the thing is, I never put them in there to begin with.

If I make the version changes and get rid of the two phantom image references, I am only left with the navMap error and, as I said, I don't know what to do about that one.

When I read the file on my Kobo Glo, the text displays okay but the page numbering is inconsistent. I will do more tests and come back on the numbering issue as time allows but, for the moment, the other issues take precedence for me.

Kaz Augustin


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