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Android apps

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Android apps

Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:26 am
I know that this doesn't sound related.... However, I'm wondering if there is a way to use a KDevelop program loaded on a rooted tablet to monitor an android program...
It seems a little belittling for something as grand as KDevelop... But, I have a family member who would like a legitimate edge, a mere search capability, for an android app called hayday... There is something like a newspaper in the game, and as far as I know it has to be searched manually... I'm trying to find a way, using KDevelop to scan this newspaper and alert me when certain items are being sold by others (nothing illegal about that, as far as I can tel from the license agreement)... And possibly purchase them, if there is enough space in the barn or silo or whatever...
Anyway, please let me know if I'm barking completely up the wrong tree...
Can android apps be built with KDevelop???


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