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[idea]  Topic is solved

Mon Jan 07, 2013 1:58 pm
I posted the idea as a wish there:

Hello Readers,

thanks to the developers for Okular.

Recently I began to use linux and discovered Okular. In the windows world I used pdf-xchange pro.
So I have only a first impression, I think Okular is as good as xchange.
One feature I found very impressing (and lacking in xchange) is the automatically line scrolling (is this the right notion?) with <shift><arrow>.

When using automatic scroll, then you can stop with shift and start again with shift. That is fine.
But sometimes there is a lot of white space when scrolling down. If I press <page up, down>, then the automatic scroll value is deleted.

In automatic scroll mode, the page up, down keys do not delete the automatic scroll mode. OR
I can store two (or even more) automatic scroll velocities. For example right shift 5 lines/sec and left shift 10 lines/sec.

thank you for partially sharing some of your neurons
have a emotionally good week
greetins from


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