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Auto save annotations for .okular files

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Mario Storti
Registered Member
I'm using Okular annotations for reviewing PDF files in my team
work. We normally export the file as .okular, and this is very useful.
However Okular sometimes crashes and if we are working with a .okular
file the annotations are not auto-saved.

This is in contrast with the case when we work directly with the PDF
file, in which case the annotations are saved in the
~/.kde/share/apps/okular/docdata/ directory and (if I'm right) they
are periodically autosaved.

In addition, when working with the .okular file, I find that it is too
time expensive to save the file. I have to do

File -> Save As -> confirm name of .okular file -> confirm overwrite

I would rather expect to do simply Ctrl-s to save the file.

Minutes ago I have lost a considerable amount of work, because Okular
crashed and I can't find autosave data.

Regards, Mario


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