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Firejail profile for Okular

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Firejail profile for Okular

Wed Feb 24, 2016 2:06 pm
Few weeks ago I stumbled over Firejail, a nice little software that provides Firefox and other applications with a sandbox similar to the one delivered with Chromium/Google Chrome

One of Firejail's most useful features is that access to the file system can be controlled. For example, I can disallow Firefox general access to the home directory and selectively enable read/write access for, let's say, ~/Downloads and ~/.mozilla.

Okular is now the last application I am having some trouble with. The problem is that I am rather new to KDE and don't understand how Okular saves its settings. My Firejail configuration file looks like this (excerpt): General access to /home/user is prevented, but access to the whitelisted files and directories is allowed

Code: Select all
whitelist ${HOME}/.kde/share/config/okularpartrc
whitelist ${HOME}/.kde/share/config/okularrc
whitelist ${HOME}/.kde/share/config/kconf_updaterc
whitelist ${HOME}/.kde/share/apps/okular
whitelist ${HOME}/.kde/share/apps/kconf_update

With this configuration, however, Okular doesn't save its settings anymore. In particular, I can't switch between the browse, zoom and selection tools. When firejailed Okular is launched from the Terminal, each attempt to save settings prints

Code: Select all
okular(4)/kdecore (KConfigSkeleton) KCoreConfigSkeleton::writeConfig:

If I allow unrestricted access to .kde/share/config/, the problem disappears :o

Does someone know which files in .kde/share/config/ are additionally required by Okular to save settings?


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