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Okular cannot open cbz files

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Okular cannot open cbz files

Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:13 am
I just install Manjaro 16.10.3 Fringilla with Kde (5.8.5, framework 5.29.0) and Okular (1.0.1) can not open cbz files, I don't get any specific error, Okular only say me "Can not open file:///run/media...".

I have intalled zip and unzip and I can compress and decompress zip files with Dolphin changing the ext to zip and I can see Thumbnails with cbz files, I had OpenSuse Leap, before Manjaro, comic files worked good. I's using Evolve to see cbz, work fine, but I would like to recover that functionality in Okular.

P.S.: Cbr files work good with Okular, I had seen many troubles about that looking for internet, but nothing for cbz files, and that solutions not worked for me.


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