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Highlight option for pdf containing image of a document

Tags: okular, feature, highlight, pdf okular, feature, highlight, pdf okular, feature, highlight, pdf
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Anonymous Meerkat

I just started using okular over some other pdf viewing program on my Ubuntu 18.04.
The main feature i use is adding comments and highlighting text.
In my work i get a lot of pdf files that contains a scan of documents , i.e an image of a text page.
At the moment the highlighting feature does not recognize the words as text (since it is an image of a text), hence won't allow me to highlight it.
Needless to say that posting a comment is not exactly as comfortable for some cases as highlighting the actual text you'd like.

is there a way to pass the stated problem around in okular?
On my previous pdf viewer it was possibe to highlight text no matter if it was an actual text written with a text editor, or an image of a text.
All in all i like the rich varaity of options that okular gives over the other apps, but this specific basic feature is important to me so unless i can use it i cant fully move to okular use...

Thanks in advance


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