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okular's css file for .md?

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okular's css file for .md?

Thu Mar 09, 2023 2:34 am
I really like the rendering of markdown (.md) files in okular.
So I wonder if there is a .css file that renders the .md file the same way as in okular?

I use vim, a vim plugin called 'markdown_preview', and a .css file, that decides the look, to render live what I'm typing in a tab on firefox.

Also since I use okular when reading markdown files it would be good to know how it looks in okular when I creat them.

I know I can use okular as a previewer but then I have to constantly save the document which interrupts the workflow.

So if you have a suggestion of a .css file that uses the same rendering as okular or similar I would be grateful.


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