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Auto Switch to Okular Window on viewDVI in Kile

Tags: kile, okular, dvi, pdf kile, okular, dvi, pdf kile, okular, dvi, pdf
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I just upgraded to the newest version of Kile (it says 2.1 beta 4 when loading, but in the "About Kile" tab in the Help menu, it says 2.0.85), and I love it. I have gotten forward/inverse search to work with Okular for DVI files produced by LaTeX, and only forward search in Okular for PDFLaTeX.

My main issue is that I would like to automatically switch to the Okular window when I click ViewDVI, ViewPDF, ForwardDVI, or ForwardPDF from within Kile. Currently, it will automatically switch to the Okular window the first time I click ViewDVI/PDF for a given document (provided an instance of that document is not already open in Okular), but on subsequent tries Okular simply reloads the document, and I remain in the Kile editing window.

I'm using the --unique flag when opening Okular so that I only have one instance of the document open at a time, I just don't want to have to manually click on the Okular window each time I compile and want to view my file.

As a side note, Evince does exactly what I want, with regard to switching to the viewing window. Each time I click ViewPDF or ViewDVI, the Evince window moves to the top and it reloads the current version of the file. However, it appears forward/inverse search is not supported under Evince (or at least not without some serious tweaking), and this is functionality that I absolutely need.

It's probably a simple fix, but it would be great if I didn't have to manually switch between windows each time I do a Quickbuild or want to view my compiled file...

Any suggestions?


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