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[SOLVED] I'm not receiving updates

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[SOLVED] I'm not receiving updates

Tue Dec 20, 2022 12:10 am
I've been using KDE neon for a few months and the truth is that it's the first time I've gotten into Linux seriously, but since yesterday I have a problem.
I tried to install a widget and it gave me library problems. Finally I ran apt autoremove and since then I don't get the daily system updates as I have it configured. In Discover, the Refresh option no longer appears. I have messed up something

This is how I have the updates configured, apparently as they came when installing except for things that I have been adding

If in the terminal I do a pkcon refresh everything seems normal but if I then do pkcon update nothing at all.
Do you know how I can fix it?

Sorry my bad english

I think I got confused, the updates are back.


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