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digikam-tag xmp impossible to read or write

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Hello everyone, I'm new to the world of linux and digikam
I have a library full of photos and I would use digikam with RawTherapee
(I'm trying to move from Corel AfterShot these software that I look better)
my problem are the keywords and tags xmp sidecar and more
these programs do not talk to each other, and do not read the xmp file (function flags, stars function, function keywords, function xmp data ...)
digikam in the data window iptc and xmp is always white
the editing window of additional data (xmp-exif iptc-e) has a gray background can not be changed.
how can I do?
my system is oeprativo mint 14 mate and mint 14 kde digikam version 2.8, version 4.0.9 RawTherapee
there is an ideal operating system for digikam?
is a bug or I put my heart no peace and no use digikam and go forward only with AfterShot?


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