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digiKam captions (tags) vs. keywords

Tags: None
(comma "," separated)
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Hello. First post here.

I'm switching to digiKam from Picasa, and I like everything so far, but I can't figure out the difference between captions (tags) and keywords. I added tags to all my photos in Picasa, and when I brought those photos into digiKam collections, all the tags seemed to appear as tags in digiKam.

But then I later added a few more tags to some existing photos in Picasa, and those new tags didn't appear as tags in digiKam. Instead, they appear in the Metadata > IPTC > Keywords field only.

This might be okay if I could search by those keywords, but it doesn't look like it's possible to do that; I can only search by tags, it seems.

Can anyone explain what's going on?


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