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Regarding an issue with tagging the photos

Tags: tagging, metadata, digikam, issue, label tagging, metadata, digikam, issue, label tagging, metadata, digikam, issue, label
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I am using digikam 7.6.0 and now 7.7.0. I am facing an issue that I am not able to resolve.
I am tagging the photos and I will write the tag to metadata. But, in files, if I check the description of the file the tags won't be added. The security permissions are given as write and read for the file.
But interestingly whichever folder I import will be there in the Pictures folder in Drive C with full resolution. The whole folder which I import in digikam will create a copy in the Pictures folder.
I don't want this. I want the files to be tagged wherever it is.
please someone help me to sort this.


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