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digiKam - Mariadb install and setup - Windows 10

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My goal was to use digiKam on a Win10 desktop, and/or a Win10 laptop, to organize photos on a second Win10 desktop acting as a server.

Due in part to my lack of knowledge and difficultly finding instructions for Windows installations, I struggled to get digiKam and MariaDB setup. In hindsight, there were things I wish I knew before I started. I retraced the steps that worked and packaged them into a series of instructions.

The first version of instructions are at:
- Part 1: Installing digiKam on Windows 10
- Part 2: Installing and configuring MariaDB for digiKam
- Part 3: Migrating digiKam from SQLite to MariaDB

Hopefully, this will give individuals a head start on getting digiKam up and running on Windows 10...

I would appreciate any feedback. You can send comments back on this thread...



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