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Metadata-preserving cloud export from digiKam

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I love digiKam and use it to organize my huge photo collection, with extensive use of manually-entered metadata (ratings, tags and descriptions). But that works only on my local machine.

I'd like to share subsets of this collection with friends and family, and these days, the my practical way to do so is via cloud services. But I still want to let the viewers to see and use that hard-earned metadata.

Which cloud photo storage service can digiKam export photos to, while maximally preserving metadata (ratings, tags and descriptions), displaying it to viewers, and having some metadata-based searching/filtering?

I tried a few (Google Drive, Google Photos and some others) but they were too dumbed down to support that.

Stretch goal: I'd like the viewers to be able to edit or annotate the exported files's metadata ("ooh that's a great photo, let's mark it five stars!") on the cloud service, and then I'd like to merge those edits/annotations back into my digiKam database.


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