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Assign geo tags using street address in digiKam?

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I'm new to digiKam, and I was wondering if there is some easy way to assign Geo Tags to photos using street addresses. I looked through the documentation, and I see where you can assign by latitude/longitude, or by searching for places of interest, but I don't seem to be able to search by street address. It looks like I can zoom into the map and find the location, but this can be a bit tedious when you have a lot of different locations to find.

Any suggestions are appreciated!

P.S. - Not related to digiKam, but does anyone know a way to automatically get geo tags added to a photo file if your camera does not support it? As far as I know, my Nikon D7000 doesn't have GPS capability, but it would be way easier to have it tag the photos as I take them.

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Select a photo or photos
Go to Item | Edit Geolocation
Top right corner there is a search box, addresses worked for me.

There a number of SD cards on the market which will geotag photos as you take them that will work with any camera.
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somaamos wrote:Select a photo or photos
Go to Item | Edit Geolocation
Top right corner there is a search box, addresses worked for me.

That does not work for me. See the attached screenshots. When I search by address, nothing shows up in the box when I click the search button. But, if I search for the name of a place, it works (see screenshot).

I'm running DigiKam 7.3, and, if it matters at all, when I try to use Google Maps, it comes up with an error that "This page cannot load Google Maps correctly," so I switched to Marble Virtual Globe. I get the same result with either.

Does anyone have anything else I can try to fix this?
Registered Member
I thought I would bump this topic again since I am once again trying to get DigiKam to work for me, but this has been one feature I just can't get to work. I am now upgraded to DigiKam 7.7.0, but still hitting the same issue. I can't search GeoLocation by address and assign it to a photo. If I search for landmarks, that works, but addresses don't.

Can anyone clue me in to what I'm doing wrong here?
I would also like to be able to save locations that I use frequently and assign them to new photos. Is there a way to do that?


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