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Fri Feb 18, 2022 9:24 am
Hi all,
I'm trying digiKam because GeoSetter embedded map just stopped working (API change on the part of Google I suppose) and I have reason to think that the software is no longer maintained.
Always wanted to try an open source DAM/photo catalog, but for now I just need the functionality of the geotagging module.
The issue I'm facing is that when I click on a folder (which contains ~500 pictures) the software just takes forever to show anything, like after 10' it was still at 5-6%.
I know pictures are on an external drive (the database is not), but isn't there any way to make digiKam behave just like a simple photo viewer (like, I don't know, Faststone, Irfanview, GeoSetter itself) so I can just start geotagging pictures?
Thanks in advance, best regards


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