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kipi-plugins flickr export fail

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kipi-plugins flickr export fail

Wed Sep 20, 2017 6:51 pm
Hi, i encounter an error when i upload photos on Flickr account.

When i want upload one or more photos on Flickr I have this following message "Unable to send photo to Flickr. Host requires authentication. Do you want to continue?" (translated here, originally in french) (cf. screenshot lower).


The error message constantly returns despite several attempts:
* Reconnect to Flickr ("Change Account" via Digikam)
* Option changes in the export window
* A reinstallation of kipi-plugins (including configuration files)
* A complete Digikam reinstall (including configuration files)

Below the output of the terminal with the command "digikam", the excerpt concerns the connection to the Flickr account ("Change Account") until the attempt of export (failure).

I do not see what is problematic, an idea?
In addition I have not been able to find where is the kipi-plugins configuration file (to delete it, its options, to make a reset of the settings)

Code: Select all
O0BaseAuth::setLinked: false
O0BaseAuth::linked: Yes
O0BaseAuth::linked: No
kipi.plugins: UNLINK to Fickr ok
O0BaseAuth::linked: No
O0BaseAuth::setLinked: false
O0BaseAuth::linked: No
kipi.plugins: Open Browser...
O2ReplyServer::onIncomingConnection: Receiving...
O2ReplyServer::onBytesReady: Processing request
O2ReplyServer::onBytesReady: Sent reply
O2ReplyServer::onBytesReady: Query params found, closing server
O2ReplyServer::closeServer: Initiating
O2ReplyServer::closeServer: Stopping socket's timeout timer
O2ReplyServer::closeServer: Closed, no longer listening on port 1965
O0BaseAuth::setLinked: true
O0BaseAuth::linked: No
O0BaseAuth::linked: Yes
kipi.plugins: LINK to Fickr ok
kipi.plugins: SlotLinkingSucceeded invoked setting user Display name to  "thomaslefloch"
kipi.plugins: Group name is :  "FlickrthomasleflochExport Settings"
kipi.plugins: Group name is :  "FlickrthomasleflochExport Settings"
O0BaseAuth::linked: Yes
kipi.plugins: List photoset invoked
kipi.plugins: parseResponseListPhotosets


kipi.plugins: GetPhotoList finished
kipi.plugins: slotPopulatePhotoSetComboBox invoked
O0BaseAuth::linked: Yes
kipi.plugins: Max upload size is "209715200"
kipi.plugins: SlotUploadImages invoked
kipi.plugins: Adding images QUrl("file:///adata/pictures/Nikon-D7200/2017/2017-09/2017-09-17/darktable_exported/dtexp_2017-09-17_15-34-11_2633.jpg")  to the list
kipi.plugins: Max allowed file size is :  209715200 File Size is  1339315
O0BaseAuth::linked: Yes
digikam.metaengine: Exif.Image.Orientation tag set to:  1
digikam.metaengine: MetaEngine::metadataWritingMode 0
digikam.metaengine: Will write Metadata to file "/tmp/kipi-Flickr-8644/dtexp_2017-09-17_15-34-11_2633.jpg"
digikam.metaengine: wroteComment:  true
digikam.metaengine: wroteEXIF:  true
digikam.metaengine: wroteIPTC:  true
digikam.metaengine: wroteXMP:  true
digikam.metaengine: Metadata for file "dtexp_2017-09-17_15-34-11_2633.jpg" written to file.
kipi.plugins: Resizing and saving to temp file:  "/tmp/kipi-Flickr-8644/dtexp_2017-09-17_15-34-11_2633.jpg"
kipi.plugins: QUrl path is  QUrl("file:///tmp/kipi-Flickr-8644/dtexp_2017-09-17_15-34-11_2633.jpg") Image size (in bytes) is  406854
kipi.plugins: SlotUploadImages done

I do not see what is problematic, an idea?
In addition I have not been able to find where is the kipi-plugins configuration file (to delete it, its options, to make a reset of the settings)

Thanks in advance for the help provided, even minimal :)


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