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Edit Korganizer (calendar) header

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Edit Korganizer (calendar) header

Mon Jan 13, 2014 5:59 am
I searched but did not find anything, so I'l post.

I have often posted on various fora and with Kubuntu developers about whether it would be possible to place a "background" behind the calendar, probably the day, week or month view,.

However, there are a variety of physical printouts that can be made such as "filofax" or "timetable", etc. and it might be that trying to insert an image behind "the calendar" might cause a crash in some particular kind of view.

So, I was going to ask if it would be possible to have, at some time in the future, a way to have in the configuration screen a widget that allows one to:

Edit "the header" ( the rectangle at the top that displays the correct dates for the view) :

a) maybe add an "image" in the header

b) Would it be possible to have a widget that allowes one to insert a "name" such as "woodsmoke"

c) would it be possible to have a setting to "insert owner name" ...above the dates, etc.

Just some questions and if there are coding constraints I quite understand.

However, I found the follwing in another thread.

For month view you can't change it through the settings dialog.

You can however, edit .kde4/share/config/korganizerrc, and add:

[Theme/Month view]
Month Grid Background Color=41,26,255
Month Grid WorkHours Background Color=41,26,255


So, in addition to the above request/question, now I can add:

Would it be possible to have a knowledgable person to post the folder/pathway for "the header" and the correct code to add an image?

OR maybe just to be able to add the owner's name?

As to an image:

It might be something like "Header Background=woodsmokeimage.png( or "vector graphic" )

Don't know, just some questions.

AND, if someone "knows" and does not want to post in the clear for fear of having people bork their systems and then complain...

I could be pm'd. >:D

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Well, I came up with a method to get the appearance of what I would like to have, and that a lot of other people want, to wit:

a) The top "date box" has, instead, the name of the person, such as when, in a work area, multiple people have printouts of when they work up on a cork board.
b) The top "date box" has, a picture and/or name of a person in the house, such as a teenager that has multiple after school activities.

The non-elegant fix:

a) When printing a week calendar, print "to file" it will produce a .pdf.
b) Open the .pdf in a graphic manipulation program of choice and also make a "box" that will fit in the date box at the top, place the name of the person, picture, whatever in the box.
c) Place the newly made text/picture, box etc. to fit within the date box, flatten and print.

GIMP now has a "transparency bucket fill".

It would be tedious to do but one could fill each of the "day" boxes of the calendar, it will leave the text in tact such as: "12, VollyBall 3- 4" and then place a large image behind that calendar the image will show through and the date and appointment information will be there also.

Now, yes, this is tedious, but a calendar with an image behind it can be made.

First, and foremost, MY CONTINUED APPRECIATION to the KDE development team! The first and foremost thing being having a functional calendar.! :)



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