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Smartphones and KOrganizer / KAddressBook

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Luke Drillhead
Registered Member
I might finally get a smartphone. I've resisted the change because the cell phone companies usually want too much money. However, of late it would appear some plans have become more reasonable.

I run KOrganizer and KAddressBook under Kubuntu Linux 13.10. Any smartphone that can't interface with those is out. That's one of my biggest reasons for wanting a smartphone. I haven't carried my information around with me since the days of Palm. I used a Tungsten E2 and synced it up with Windows XP every night. I understand they've gotten away from syncing in preference for using something called Google Sync. This kind of makes me say "uhg," but I guess I could live with it if it works well.

What I wonder about is: What Android apps work well with KOrganizer and KAddressBook? Or are there actually Android versions of these apps? iPhone versions? Dare I even consider iPhone?

In the future I may also use KMyMoney, but I'm not using it yet. I'm still running Quicken under Windows 7 via VirtualBox.

The main things are KOrganizer and KAddressBook. Those must work with the phone. I'll decide about KMyMoney later.
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Luke Drillhead wrote:I run KOrganizer and KAddressBook under Kubuntu Linux 13.10. Any smartphone that can't interface with those is out. That's one of my biggest reasons for wanting a smartphone.

What I wonder about is: What Android apps work well with KOrganizer and KAddressBook? Or are there actually Android versions of these apps? iPhone versions? Dare I even consider iPhone?

The main things are KOrganizer and KAddressBook. Those must work with the phone.

For some things, KDEConnect for Android can help you out.
In addition, for KOrganizer and KAddressBook here is an option:

1) Setup a Caldav/CardDav server (for instance, either in a private server or in you desktop/laptop computer.
2) Setup KOrganizer and KAddressBook to use CalDav and CardDav and configure to sync with 1
3) Install DavDroid in your Android smartphone and configure the account to sync with 1
4) Happy synching. Well, almost. :-( To have a real happy sync, we need help to solve bug and bug


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