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Korganizer: Include tasks from subcategories

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Hi Folks!

I'm trying to use KOrganizer with GTD methodology. I have this category list:

    -- Projects
    ---- Project 1
So when I'm creating new task I assign it to the project 1 or to another project in Projects subtree. What I want to do is to display tasks from all projects Using category dropdown. But, when I select Projects category in category drop down I can't see any tasks assigned to each project. The only way to see tasks assigned to all projects is to select both Projects & Project 1 Categories OR assign Task to its project and to the Projects category.

So the question is can we have category filtering include all tasks from all subcategories of chosen category?
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If you could maybe you could discuss this a little more.

I've used Basket Notes on the Kubu machine and it does GTD ok, but... and I have Trello on my Android and it works ok also.

However, back to the situation here.

When I am in calendar I can make a "Projects" like you said, and then go to "actions" and "add a sub to do" and it makes it, I then made a second "sub to do" and it displayed.

They display in the block above the calendar, I view both.

When I go to To Do List in Kontact I see the original "Projects" I see a horizontal bar, the colour is Orange for me, and when I click the little "arrow thing" the "sub-todos" drop down, again as horizontal bars the first one being also coloured orange and the second is coloured blue.

The information about the task is displayed in the window to the left depending upon which to-do or sub-to do I have selected in the right hand window.

Could you maybe come back with a description as to whether you are seeing what I am seeing and whether it is, or is not, what you are seeking.......ahem..."to do" maybe people who are much smarter than the old woodsmoker can then provide some help?



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