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Is there any way to copy tasks in the to-do list?

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I am one of those guys who use Kontact intensely ^-^ (thanks for this software, guys!), but still there is one thing I cannot do yet, and it is to copy some to-do's from one task to another task.

Take this as example: I manage 10 different projects and I need to carry out the same 25 different tasks on each of them. The only way to add those tasks to the to-do list now is to just rewrite them one after the other 250 times! There needs to be a way to copy the group of tasks from project A to project B, please!

I tried by creating a new calendar for those tasks which repeat and try to import it on the main calendar, but it didn't work. It seems there is a unique ID for each task, so, when I do the second import, it just overwrites the first one. :'(

Does anyone know if there is any way to copy tasks in the to-do list?


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