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Korganizer not fetching new events or changes to old ones

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Hi, I'm new. I've been using KDE in different distros for 8 monts or so, and until now just by googling I had found all the solutions I needed, but not this time.

Today I installed LM17 KDE on my new SSD (I've had it running for some months on my HDD and this issue had never come up) and one of the first things I did was configuring Korganizer.

Until now, it had been a pleasant ride: google resource, e-mail and password (asked for by Konqueror) and the events would display, sync, change, I could create new ones, etc. This morning, when I configured Korganizer for the first time, events showed up as I have them on my Google Calendars. Perfect, just how it should.

The problem is that now it is not recognizing any changes. For instance, two days ago I scheduled, from my Android smartphone with Google Calendar, an appointment for Thursday at 16.00. Korganizer indeed showed that correctly this morning (at around 9.00). But at 14:00 I had to re-schedule it for Friday at 16:00, again from my smartphone, and although it synced (I checked on, Korganizer does not seem to care: it still shows the old event, that is, Thursday at 16:00.

I've tried deleting the google resource, re-adding it along with the Contacts resource, right-clicking on the calendar and selecting "update calendar folder", but to no avail: it's still showing up the old event.

Now, I doubt it is because of the SSD, since this morning it ran a good first sync, but could it be related to the fact that my /home partition is "only" 3GB in size? It used to be 20GB. I really don't know what else could cause that. Is there a way to sort of "reset" Korganizer, see if this time it syncs correctly and stays that way? Or whatever way to fix my problem?

Thank you all very much in advance.


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