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korganzier: Sync with ical (ics-files), save passwords, ...

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Hi there,

I was quite happy to find KOrganzier (version 4.11.5) to work with my remote ics-calendar-files on a remote server (took me quite some searching to figure it out). I'm using it on Linux Mint 16 Cinnoman with gnome on my netbook (the german versions). But I have the slight feeling that my installation went wrong in some point.
First of all it said something about kwallet which I didn't quite understand and denied. Apperntly it would have saved the passwords. So now I have to enter the password each time I change something and for all calendars when I start KOrganizer. Which is kind of annoying but not the major issue. :(
Is there still a way to change this?

Much worth is that it sometimes doesn't ask for passwords and apperntly doesn't save any changes then. Everything I enter will get lost once i log out. (I seem to have the same problem on my computer at work (running differnt systems). I just checked and the changes weren't saved on the server. >:( ) How does that happen and what can I do to make it work again? It seems to happen quite frequently. Shutting down the computer could be a hassle as I'm in the middle of work.

In near future I also want to have the calendar running on my Android (older version 2.3, I think, but that might upgrade). How would I set that up, is there an app around for KOrganizer? I tried a few apps before but they didn't work with the server I'm using. Also I do not have the time and nerves at the moment to do major changes plus I do not want to use google calendar.

A minor issue is that I can't change the calendar (i'm using about 7) on an entered event. Quite easily it happens that I enter all the information, hit save and forgot to choose the right calendar. Now I can only delete the appointment and reenter it with the right calendar (or wait till I go to work a couple days later and change it from there, assuming syncing is working). Is that the way KOrganizer is designed or are there chances to change this?

Also, as I change reaccuring appointments, e.g. one happens to be on Sunday this week instead on Saturday as usual. This will only be shown on monthly view or if i select two or more weeks on the agenda view. But for me it is important so see them on the weekly view as well as I use this to plan all our activities. Is that a bug?
The further, I only can change from monthly view to agenda and not to weekly or daily. Wich puzzles me every time i try to.

Another issue I have is with printing, actually their are two. One is really ridiculous. I wanted to print the weekly view as schedule (Stundenplan in german), selected a certain week and my other preferences and send it of to the printer. Wondering about the time the printer needed for preperation I found out as he started printing that he wanted to print every week ever entered (from samewhere 2009 onward!). Even as I told him to start with page 321 or so. He ignored my settings. I only managed to print my weekly view as parted printout telling him to put two pages on one sheet. Is that a known bug as well or anything I can do about?

Sorry for writing so much. I maybe should have posted several requests...but as i'm at it, i kind of keep going ...

I hope we find at least some solutions, so I can go on using KOrganzier as I think that it is quite a nice tool.




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