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Event Managing

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Re: Event Managing

Mon Jul 13, 2015 4:52 pm
anonprivate wrote:I did mean yahoo mail, that is, it is a webmailer

Well, as I wrote, it is not possible to start a webmailer and tell it to send a mail automatically.
But that's a limitation of webmail, not KDE.

I am reluctant to use Kmail because I do not want to store mail on my machine.

You could only configure a sending account. You wouldn't have to store mail locally.

Or, if Yahoo supports that, you could also use IMAP. IMAP keeps mails on the server, you can access the same account from different systems via IMAP.
But that's only for receiving mail.
Sending mails is a completely different story (even server wise), and KMail in particular differentiates between the two and lets you configure one without the other.

My tests were successful.

Good! :)
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Re: Event Managing

Tue Jul 14, 2015 3:14 am
wolfi323 wrote:
anonprivate wrote:I did mean yahoo mail, that is, it is a webmailer

Well, as I wrote, it is not possible to start a webmailer and tell it to send a mail automatically.
But that's a limitation of webmail, not KDE.

I am reluctant to use Kmail because I do not want to store mail on my machine.

You could only configure a sending account. You wouldn't have to store mail locally.

Or, if Yahoo supports that, you could also use IMAP. IMAP keeps mails on the server, you can access the same account from different systems via IMAP.
But that's only for receiving mail.
Sending mails is a completely different story (even server wise), and KMail in particular differentiates between the two and lets you configure one without the other.

My tests were successful.

Good! :)

Thank you for the help.

Best wishes.

Manjaro (KDE) 17.1.7, or,
Kubuntu 16.04.4
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Re: Event Managing

Wed Jan 13, 2016 9:46 pm
anonprivate wrote:I did mean yahoo mail, that is, it is a webmailer

I am reluctant to use Kmail because I do not want to store mail on my machine.

It's been some time since your message, but just in case you did't know, you can configure Kmail and your Yahoo account to use IMAP instead POP3 so you can manage your mails from Kmail, but being them stored in Yahoo's servers, and still been able to see your mail on your mobile, for example. Using IMAP your email client just downloads a copy but the mails themselves are always kept in you mail provider's servers until you delete any.


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