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Using KOrganizer with custom scripts

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I've been trying to get this to work on and off (mostly off) for many years.
What I want to do is make a reminder that looks the way I want it to - with just the information I require.
I'll be happy with doing this any reasonable way that works.

I wrote a bash script to do that. See below.

Initially, I want to create something (I think a To Do is probably what I want) that will pop up my reminder at the reminder start time.
I set a reminder for a few minutes in the future from now (for testing).
I tell it to run 0 minutes before the To Do with no due date.
I tell it to run my script, giving its full path and an argument with a text phrase in it like "Pay Bill Today" (with the quotes included, so it's one argument).
I click Apply and OK and wait.
Nothing happens at the specified time.

Anybody know how to get this - or anything else that will have the same end result - to work?

Long ago, this used to (sort of) work. It would run my script fine. The problem I had then was that I set multiple reminders spaced out at various intervals before the event, but when one ran, they all ran. That led to it getting turned off rather quickly.

The KDE docs on this stuff appear to be 5 or 6 years old. Is anybody still using and developing/supporting KOrganizer?


custom_reminder script:

Code: Select all
## custom_reminder
## Copyleft 06/22/2011 - JPmicrosystems
## Creates a pop up reminder for use with
## korganizer
## last modified 05/18/2017

## Usage: custom_reminder "reminder text"
##   reminder text can contain some special characters like \n"

if [ -z "${1}" ]

yad --title "Reminder" --on-top --info --button=gtk-ok:0 --width=300 --text="${msg}"


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