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Akonadi parse error on DAV Nextcloud Ressourse

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Hello all,

i have here an uptodate nextcloud. Bind some Devices: my mobilephone, 3 Nextcloud-desktopapps and 5 Kontacts. 4 of this five are working fine, but one, that from my notebook makes some trouble. If i setup the davressource it look like good, but @ some time i see that nothing will be sync anymore. On the akonadiconsole i see "0%" on nextcloud. If i look for logs i see this message:
Code: Select all
parse error from icalcomponent_new_from_string. string= "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\"?>\n<d:error xmlns:d=\"DAV:\" xmlns:s=\"\">\n  <s:exception>Sabre\\DAV\\Exception\\NotFound</s:exception>\n  <s:message>Calendar object not found</s:message>\n</d:error>\n"
org.kde.pim.davresource: DavGroupwareResource::onItemFetched: Failed to parse item data.  "https://mynextcloud.bla/remote.php/dav/calendars/eefaae83-d98e-4de4-b916-29f67a888a4c/geschäftlich/1552238354.R886.ics"

This item didn't exist on the server, or on the client. On every sync that stops there is an other non exist item.

On all other Kontacts i get over 60 from this errors, but the difference is that... yes they also not can parsed (for whatever reason), but they all exist.

I searched for the error, but I did not find anything helpful. If i delete the ressource or if i delete the akonadifiles, it is the same. After some time the sync stops. So i created i newly user on my notebook and tested with this connection, and yes it works. I would like to find the mistake, as a re-establishment of the profile will take a lot of work.

KDE NEON 18.04
korganizer 5.10.3
kontact 5.10.1
akonadi-server (5.10.3) 4:18.12.3-0xneon+18.04+bionic+build20

Thanks a lot and Best Regards
Registered Member
Same problem here. I have registered a bugreport on the issue with the corresponding error in the nextcloud.log file on the nextcloud server as well:


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