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Disable event acceptance emails

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Disable event acceptance emails

Wed May 11, 2022 11:07 pm
Is there a way to prevent Kontact from sending an email to the organizer when I accept an en event into my calendar?

These emails wind up stored in the sent-items folder of the Local Folders that I otherwise don't use, and I don't like the added maintenance of having to periodically delete them. I would set an expiration policy on the folder if that were the only problem. Sometimes the invitations are sent from mailboxes that do not accept replies from external addresses, which results an an NDR in my inbox. I would prefer that these emails not be generated in the first place.

When I used Thunderbird's Lightning for my calendaring, it was easy to simply disable sending calendar invitation replies. I haven't found a similar setting in KOrganizer or Kontact.

Is it possible to turn off these emails? If yes, where do I update this setting?


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