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Printing To-Do List in Korganizer

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Printing To-Do List in Korganizer

Tue Aug 09, 2022 12:08 pm
I've tried for years to get Korganizer to print out my to-do list and I've always gotten the same results. I've tried many versions over the years, many distributions, many different computers, different printers, etc so maybe it's just some default configuration under Korganizer I'm not aware of. I can't use Korganizer because of it because I have to be able to have a hard copy of my list. It looks like a great program and I come back and check on it every 2 or 3 years when I'm "distribution shopping" like we all do from time to time, but I always get the same results. I understand it may not be Korganizer's fault, maybe it's QT's handling of the printer or whatever, but I don't know where to look. What happens is something is not acknowledging the bottom margin. Instead of having 2 or 3 or 20 or whatever pages of to-do's, the printout just runs off the bottom of the page and never shows me more than one page. As I said, I've tried different printers and I've tried printing to file as a PDF always with the same results. That's what makes me think I'm missing some tiny setting somewhere because I've searched and searched with very little results for printing problems with Korganizer and have never found anyone else having these problems. My current config is running Debian 11 under Proxmox as a test bench. I've tried it directly on bare metal many times with the same results and if someone can tell me where to look, I'll try installing it directly on a machine again if need-be. I'm running Plasma 5.20.5 and QT version 5.15.2. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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Re: Printing To-Do List in Korganizer

Tue Aug 16, 2022 12:07 pm
No one else has ever seen this problem? Could someone tell me what the proper "chain of command" is on reporting this? I think this is a QT problem, but should I report it to the KDE list since I'm having the problem in Korganizer? I've read through everything I could find, but I'm not a programmer so I really don't understand how this calls that and that calls the other and so on. I think it's maybe something in the QPrintEngine or maybe with the QPaint command in how it defines the page a certain size and it's not defining or not acknowledging the bottom margin. If it was defining/acknowledging a bottom margin that was just not correct and a few lines went missing and then it continued on to the 2nd page and so on, I could understand that. Like maybe I was setting it to Letter and it was hard coded for A4 or something like that. But it's like it just goes off into lala land and you never get more than one page of output whether to a hard copy or to a PDF file. I realize we're in a world of smartphones now and a lot or maybe most people look at their devices instead of a hard copy, but when i'm up to my knees in a creek bed, I'm completely soaked head to toe in sweat, my hands are covered in mud, and I can't remember which task I'm supposed to do next, it's difficult for me to get my smart phone out, get it unlocked, get my task program open and find where I am in the list. Not to mention I really don't want to drop a $500 phone in the creek. If my binder falls in the creek or gets rained on, I can just print out another copy. I've tried almost every To Do program out there, but almost every one of them wants you to store your data in their cloud, they want to steal the data directly off your computer or phone, or they don't handle sub-tasks. I've tried tags, categories and every other concept of task lists and multiple levels of sub-tasks is about the only way I can keep things straight in my head. KOrganizer seems like a great fit for me, it's just hard for me to believe they've not fixed this printing problem in all these years. Which brings me back to thinking maybe it's a simple setting or configuration that I'm just not seeing that's causing this. I'll read back through the KDE bug reporting process and if I don't hear any suggestions here, I'll give that a shot. Thanks.
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It is a real problem, but no one has been motivated enough to file a bug report.
I suppose most people can use the "start date" and "end date" settings of
the print dialog to keep the print-out to one page.

If you like, report a bug at against product KOrganizer, component Printing.
Sadly, printing is hard and coders are scarce.
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Registered Member
Will do. I just wanted to make sure it wasn't something I was doing wrong before I filed a bug report. Thanks for the reply!


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